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Top Spring Boot Interview Questions and Answers

Spring Boot is a popular framework that simplifies the development of Java applications by providing a range of out-of-the-box functionalities and conventions. When preparing for a Spring Boot interview, it’s crucial to understand both the foundational concepts and advanced features of the framework. Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the most commonly asked Spring Boot interview questions, along with detailed answers.

1. What is Spring Boot, and how does it differ from Spring Framework?


Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring Framework designed to simplify the process of creating production-ready Spring applications. It offers a number of features that streamline development, including:

  • Auto-Configuration: Automatically configures Spring and third-party libraries based on the project’s dependencies. For example, if you include Spring Data JPA in your project, Spring Boot will automatically set up a data source and entity manager.
  • Standalone: Spring Boot applications are self-contained and can be run from the command line with a simple java -jar command, eliminating the need for an external web server.
  • Production-Ready Features: Includes built-in support for metrics, health checks, and externalized configuration.

Differences from Spring Framework:

  • Spring Boot vs. Spring Framework: While Spring Framework requires extensive configuration and setup, Spring Boot offers default configurations and minimal setup. It also incorporates embedded servers like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow, which are not part of the core Spring Framework.

2. What is Spring Boot Starter?


Spring Boot Starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors you can include in your application. They simplify the process of adding common libraries and configurations to your project. Starters eliminate the need for specifying individual dependencies and their versions manually.

For example:

  • spring-boot-starter-web: Includes dependencies for developing web applications, such as Spring MVC, Tomcat, Jackson, and validation libraries.
  • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa: Provides dependencies for Spring Data JPA, including Hibernate and a connection pool.

Each starter encompasses a set of dependencies and provides a baseline configuration that suits the particular task.

3. What is Auto-Configuration in Spring Boot?


Auto-Configuration is a feature of Spring Boot that attempts to automatically configure your application based on the dependencies present on the classpath. It helps reduce the need for manual configuration and boilerplate code.

Spring Boot uses conditional annotations to enable or disable configurations. The primary annotations involved are:

  • @ConditionalOnClass: Configures a bean if a specific class is present.
  • @ConditionalOnMissingBean: Configures a bean only if a particular bean is missing in the context.
  • @ConditionalOnProperty: Configures a bean based on a property value.

Spring Boot’s auto-configuration is driven by the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation, typically included in the main application class using @SpringBootApplication, which is a convenience annotation that combines @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan.

4. How does Spring Boot manage application configuration?


Spring Boot provides several mechanisms for managing application configuration:

  • Application Properties/ YAML File: Configuration settings can be defined in or application.yml files located in the src/main/resources directory. For example:
  • @Value Annotation: Allows injecting values from properties files directly into Spring beans. Example:
  private int serverPort;
  • @ConfigurationProperties Annotation: Binds properties to a Java bean. This is useful for complex configurations and when you need to bind multiple properties into one class. Example:
  @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp")
  public class MyAppProperties {
      private String name;
      private int port;
      // getters and setters
  • Profiles: Spring Boot supports different profiles (e.g., dev, prod) for environment-specific configurations. Profiles are specified in properties files like or using the property.

5. What is Spring Boot Actuator?


Spring Boot Actuator provides a set of production-ready features to help monitor and manage Spring Boot applications. It offers endpoints that expose operational information such as health, metrics, and environment properties.

Key features include:

  • /actuator/health: Shows the health status of the application. Can be customized to include additional health indicators.
  • /actuator/metrics: Provides various metrics about the application, such as JVM metrics, HTTP requests, and custom metrics.
  • /actuator/env: Exposes environment properties and configuration properties.
  • /actuator/info: Displays arbitrary application information like build version, description, etc.

Actuator endpoints are secured and can be enabled/disabled or configured in the file.

6. What is the use of @SpringBootApplication?


@SpringBootApplication is a convenience annotation that combines three key annotations:

  • @Configuration: Indicates that the class contains bean definitions and configuration.
  • @EnableAutoConfiguration: Enables Spring Boot’s auto-configuration mechanism.
  • @ComponentScan: Scans for Spring components, configurations, and services in the package where the application is located and its sub-packages.

It is typically used on the main application class to bootstrap a Spring Boot application. Example:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

7. How can you customize Spring Boot’s auto-configuration?


Spring Boot’s auto-configuration can be customized in several ways:

  • Custom Auto-Configuration: You can create your own auto-configuration class by defining it with @Configuration and @ConditionalOnClass, @ConditionalOnMissingBean, or other conditional annotations. Then, register it in META-INF/spring.factories.
  • Exclude Auto-Configuration: Use the exclude attribute of the @SpringBootApplication or @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation to prevent specific auto-configurations. Example:
  @SpringBootApplication(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})
  public class MyApplication {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
, args);
  • Custom Properties: Override default auto-configuration settings using or application.yml files.
  • Profile-Specific Configurations: Use Spring profiles to apply different configurations based on the environment.

8. What is the role of SpringApplication class?


SpringApplication is a central class in Spring Boot used to bootstrap and launch a Spring application. It performs several key tasks:

  • Initialization: Initializes the application context.
  • Configuration: Applies configurations based on command-line arguments, properties files, or environment variables.
  • Run: Launches the application by running the run method, which internally creates and refreshes the application context.

Example of usage:

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

SpringApplication also provides various customization options, such as setting additional sources, configuring banner settings, and defining application listeners.

9. How can you handle exceptions in a Spring Boot application?


Handling exceptions in a Spring Boot application can be managed using several approaches:

  • Controller Advice: Use @ControllerAdvice to handle exceptions across the whole application in one global handling component. Example:
  public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
      public ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> handleResourceNotFound(ResourceNotFoundException ex) {
          ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse("Resource not found", ex.getMessage());
          return new ResponseEntity<>(errorResponse, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
  • Custom Exception Classes: Define custom exception classes to represent specific error conditions. Example:
  public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
      public ResourceNotFoundException(String message) {
  • Response Status: Use @ResponseStatus on custom exceptions to directly map exceptions to HTTP status codes. Example:
  public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
      public ResourceNotFoundException(String message) {

10. Explain the concept of Profiles in Spring Boot.


Profiles in Spring Boot are a way to segregate configuration settings and beans for different environments or scenarios. They allow you to define different configurations and behavior for development, testing, production, or any other environment.

Key aspects:

  • Define Profiles: In or application.yml, specify profile-specific configurations. Example:

  • Activate Profiles: Set the active profile using in or pass it as a command-line argument. Example:

Profile-Specific Beans: You can define beans that are only available in specific profiles using the @Profile annotation. This allows you to create beans that are activated only under certain conditions. Example:

public class DevConfig {
    public DataSource dataSource() {
        return new HikariDataSource(); // Development database configuration

public class ProdConfig {
    public DataSource dataSource() {
        return new BasicDataSource(); // Production database configuration

11. How does Spring Boot handle externalized configuration?


Spring Boot supports externalized configuration, which allows you to manage application settings outside of your codebase. This is particularly useful for changing configurations without modifying the application code. Here are the main methods for externalizing configuration:

  • Properties Files: Define configurations in or application.yml files located in the src/main/resources directory. You can use different files for different environments, like and
  • Environment Variables: Spring Boot can read properties from environment variables. For example, the environment variable SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL can be mapped to spring.datasource.url.
  • Command-Line Arguments: Pass configuration properties as command-line arguments when starting the application. For instance, java -jar myapp.jar --server.port=8081.
  • Profile-Specific Configuration: Use profile-specific files or properties to handle configurations for different environments. Profiles are activated using the property.
  • Spring Cloud Config: For distributed systems, Spring Cloud Config can be used to manage configuration across multiple applications and environments from a central server.

12. What is Spring Boot DevTools, and what are its benefits?


Spring Boot DevTools is a module that enhances the development experience by providing features like automatic restarts, live reload, and additional debugging tools. It is specifically designed to improve productivity during the development phase.

Key features:

  • Automatic Restart: DevTools can automatically restart your application when code changes are detected. This helps in quicker feedback during development without manually restarting the server.
  • Live Reload: The live reload feature refreshes the browser automatically when static resources (like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) are changed.
  • Customizable Logging: DevTools provides enhanced logging, including a more detailed output for debugging purposes.
  • Remote Debugging: Integrates with remote debugging tools, allowing you to debug applications running in different environments.

To use DevTools, add the dependency to your pom.xml or build.gradle file:


13. Explain the concept of “Spring Boot Starters” with examples.


Spring Boot Starters are a set of predefined dependency descriptors that simplify the process of including common libraries and configurations in a Spring Boot application. They provide a convenient way to include a group of related dependencies with default configurations.

Here are some common Spring Boot Starters:

  • spring-boot-starter-web: Provides dependencies for developing web applications, including Spring MVC, Tomcat (as the default embedded server), Jackson (for JSON processing), and validation libraries. Example dependencies:
  • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa: Includes dependencies for working with Spring Data JPA and Hibernate, as well as a connection pool. Example:
  • spring-boot-starter-security: Provides dependencies for adding security features to your application, including Spring Security. Example:
  • spring-boot-starter-test: Includes dependencies for testing Spring Boot applications, such as JUnit, Hamcrest, and Mockito. Example:

Starters help streamline dependency management and ensure that all required libraries and configurations are included for specific functionalities.

14. Describe how Spring Boot manages dependency injection.


Dependency Injection (DI) is a core principle of the Spring framework, including Spring Boot. It allows for the decoupling of components and promotes modularity by injecting dependencies rather than hardcoding them.

Spring Boot manages DI through the following mechanisms:

  • Annotations: Spring Boot uses annotations to mark components and configure dependencies. Key annotations include:
  • @Component: Indicates a Spring-managed component.
  • @Service: A specialization of @Component for service layer beans.
  • @Repository: A specialization of @Component for persistence layer beans.
  • @Controller: A specialization of @Component for MVC controllers.
  • @Autowired: Automatically injects dependencies into Spring-managed beans.
  • @Inject and @Resource: Alternative annotations for dependency injection.
  • Java Configuration: Use @Configuration classes to define beans and their dependencies. For example:
  public class AppConfig {
      public MyService myService() {
          return new MyServiceImpl();
  • Constructor Injection: Preferred method for dependency injection, as it allows for immutable dependencies. Example:
  public class MyService {
      private final Dependency dependency;

      public MyService(Dependency dependency) {
          this.dependency = dependency;
  • Setter Injection: Allows dependencies to be injected via setter methods. Less preferred compared to constructor injection due to potential mutability issues. Example:
  public class MyService {
      private Dependency dependency;

      public void setDependency(Dependency dependency) {
          this.dependency = dependency;
  • Field Injection: Directly injects dependencies into fields using the @Autowired annotation. Not recommended for large projects due to limited testability and maintainability. Example:
  public class MyService {
      private Dependency dependency;

15. What are the key annotations used in Spring Boot, and what are their purposes?


Spring Boot leverages a number of annotations to facilitate configuration and behavior. Here are some key annotations:

  • @SpringBootApplication: A convenience annotation that combines @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan. Used on the main class to enable auto-configuration and component scanning.
  • @RestController: A specialized version of @Controller that includes @ResponseBody by default, used for building RESTful web services.
  • @RequestMapping: Maps HTTP requests to handler methods of MVC and REST controllers. Supports various HTTP methods and path mappings.
  • @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping: Shortcuts for @RequestMapping with specific HTTP methods, simplifying the mapping of GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests.
  • @Autowired: Automatically injects dependencies into Spring-managed beans.
  • @Component: Marks a class as a Spring component to be discovered and managed by Spring’s component scan.
  • @Service: A specialization of @Component used for service layer beans, typically containing business logic.
  • @Repository: A specialization of @Component used for DAO or persistence layer beans, with additional support for exception translation.
  • @Configuration: Indicates that a class provides Spring configuration, including bean definitions.
  • @Bean: Defines a bean in a @Configuration class. Used to declare and configure application beans.
  • @Profile: Specifies that a bean or configuration class is only available in certain profiles, allowing for profile-specific configurations.
  • @Value: Injects values from configuration properties or environment variables into fields.
  • @EnableAutoConfiguration: Enables Spring Boot’s auto-configuration feature. It is included in @SpringBootApplication.
  • @ControllerAdvice: A global exception handler for controllers, allowing you to handle exceptions across the application in a centralized manner.

These annotations form the backbone of Spring Boot’s configuration and behavior management, enabling a streamlined development process.


Preparing for a Spring Boot interview involves a solid understanding of both fundamental and advanced concepts. Mastery of these topics will not only help you answer common interview questions but also enable you to build robust, production-ready applications. Focus on understanding the principles behind each feature and practice applying them in real-world scenarios to excel in your Spring Boot interviews.

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